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Result : 10
Epidemiology of poisoning in children
Nicolas Franchitto.
November 2021, page 53
Covid-19: a lost epidemiological bet ?
For the last two years, the world has been sailing from one epidemic wave to another. From lockdowns to curfews, strategies have changed over time, whether on travel restrictions, mask...
Pascal Crépey,
Clément Massonnaud.
September 2022, page 61
Epidemiology, risk factors and current screening in rectal cancer
Incidence and survival data from the Francim Cancer Registry Network allowed an estimate of the national incidence of rectal cancer and its prognosis up to 20 years after diagnosis. In 2018, 13 744...
Anne-Marie Bouvier,
Sylvain Manfredi.
March 2022, page 18
Impact of prevention and treatment strategies on the epidemiology of HIV infection in France and around the world
The UNAIDS goals will not be achieved in 2030 without a global effort specifically focused on HIV prevention. Many tools are available, named as diversified prevention, adapted to each individual,...
Laurence Slama.
December 2021, page 12
Epidemiology, classification and risk factors of endometrial cancer
Claire Sanson.
December 2022, page 27
Epidemiology and risk factors of cancers of the upper aero-digestive tract
With more than 18.000 cases annually, head and neck cancers rank 5th among the most common cancers in France. In 90% of cases, it is squamous cell carcinoma. It reaches the oral cavity in 25%, 15%...
Nicolas Le Clerc.
March 2023, page 18
Epidemiology of classical Hodgkin lymphoma
Classical Hodgkin lymphoma is a rare neoplasia but represents one of the most common cancers in adults younger than 40 years old. Epidemiology of Hodgkin lymphoma remains fascinating with specific...
Hervé Ghesquières.
September 2023, page 25
Epidemiology and pathophysiology of giant cell arteritis
Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a granulomatous vasculitis. It affects patients over 50 years of age, predominantly women. The pathophysiology of GCA involves genetic and environmental factors...
Hélène Greigert,
Bernard Bonnotte,
Maxime Samson.
June 2023, page 39
Insomnia: definitions, epidemiology and changes with age
Chronic insomnia is a disorder defined as a subjective complaint relating to the quality and/or quantity of sleep associated with daytime impact, and which must be present 3 nights per week for a...
Julie Margrethe Dubois,
Alexandre Rouen,
Damien Léger.
June 2024, page 23
Infectious endocarditis: from epidemiology to prevention
The incidence of infective endocarditis is estimated between 30 and 80 cases per million inhabitants and per year in the general population in industrialized countries. It is heterogeneous and...
Bernard Iung.
October 2024, page 22