First malaria vaccine recommended by WHO 71

Wendé-Waoga Guillaume Zango, Marie-Fleur Durieux, Jean-François Faucher.
RST,S/AS01, the first WHO recommended vaccine against malaria, is the result of decades of research. It is a recombinant protein vaccine which induces a protection against Plasmodium falciparum malaria, mediated by both humoral, and cell mediated immune responses to the circumsporozoite protein. RST,S/AS01 is of moderate efficacy against malaria, but is an additional tool for malaria control and elimination. More effective vaccines against malaria are expected within the next decades. The WHO recommendation made in October 2021, of its widespread use in children in malaria-endemic areas has raised hopes but also concerns. The timeline of the adoption by most countries of moderate to high malaria transmission, of RST,S/AS01 in the small children vaccine schedule, is still unknown.
Keywords : Malaria.
March 2023
La revue du praticien n° Tome 73 / n° 8 PDF