Anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, the Grail ? 55

Liem Binh Luong Nguyen, Marie Lachâtre, Odile Launay.
The Covid-19 pandemic, which caused an unprecedented health crisis, was partially controlled by the rapid development of effective vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. To date, 5 vaccines are approved in Europe, 10 are recognized by the World Health Organization and more than 150 vaccine candidates are in clinical development. This emerging pandemic disease context has shown the value of research and real-life data. The five vaccines used in France have been developed using different technologies with convincing Phase 3 results. Real-life data have provided additional information on the effectiveness and safety of these vaccines: they have shown the importance of a booster dose to protect against severe forms of delta and omicron variants; they have made it possible to characterize and measure the incidence of rare adverse events, such as myocardial toxicity in mRNA vaccines or the risk of thrombocytopenic thrombosis in vectorized vaccines. However, research must continue as many questions remain unanswered.
September 2022
La revue du praticien n° Tome 72 / n° 6 PDF