Contribution of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in rectal cancer 31

Jean-Baptiste Bachet.
In patients with locally advanced rectal cancer, preoperative radiotherapy and complete mesorectal excision have reduced the risk of locoregional recurrence. However, these treatments have not reduced the risk of metastatic recurrence and the benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy has never been formally demonstrated. The chemotherapy efficacy on the rectal tumor as well as the difficulties to administer adjuvant chemotherapy after proctectomy has led to the development of treatment regimens with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Two phase III studies evaluating induction chemotherapy with FOLFIRINOX followed by chemoradiotherapy for one and short radiotherapy followed by consolidation chemotherapy for the other are positive for their main objective and constitute new therapeutic standards.
March 2022
La revue du praticien n° Tome 72 / n° 4 PDF