Pathophysiological hypothesis and diagnosis of insomnia disorder 38

Jean-Arthur Micoulaud-Franchi, Julien Coelho, Léa Boileau, Clélia Quiles, Pierre-Alexis Geoffroy.
All pathophysiological models place hyperarousal as a central process in the mechanisms of insomnia. These models differ, however, in terms of the importance and role of the variables explaining this hyperarousal. Behavioral and cognitive models describe self-maintenance behaviors and dysfunctional thoughts, such as worries and concerns about sleep and the consequences of insomnia. Alterations in cognitive functions related to hyperarousal in perceptual and memory processes can explain these behaviors and thoughts. Neurobiological models show instability in the sleepwake balance, with orexin possibly involved, but this remains to be confirmed. The diagnosis of insomnia must consider the semiology related to the mechanisms of insomnia, as well as co-morbidities.
June 2024
La revue du praticien n° Tome 74 / n° 13 PDF