Mesenteric arterial ischemia: from diagnosis to decision 26

Iannis Ben Abdallah, Yves Castier, Olivier Corcos.
Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) is a severe vascular and intestinal emergency, most commonly related to the occlusion (mesenteric occlusive disease or emboli) of the superior mesenteric artery (SMA). Such as myocardial infarction or stroke, SMA occlusion is responsible of an intestinal infarction. In case of an early revascularization of the SMA, AMI can be reversible with no need for bowel resection. However, when left untreated, AMI fatally leads to irreversible intestinal necrosis and death following multiple organ failure. Considering its poor prognosis, AMI might be systematically suspected in case of a sudden, unusual and intense abdominal pain. Because AMI has a nonspecific clinical presentation, delayed diagnosis are frequent and unfortunately associated with poor outcomes. Therefore, general and emergency doctors, along with gastroenterologists, have a key role to play in the recognition of early AMI. In any case of clinically suspected AMI, an abdominal computed tomography angiogram might be urgently performed. Chronic mesenteric ischemia can also be revealed by postprandial abdominal pain associated with food fear and weight loss. In recent years, there has been a major improvement in the treatment of AMI following the creation of a French intestinal stroke center, gathering the expertise of specialized gastroentorologists, vascular and digestive surgeons, radiologists and intensivists. A multimodal and multidisciplinary approach combining the use of a systematic medical protocol, early revascularization of viable bowel and resection of non viable bowel when needed, has dramatically improved the prognosis of AMI, with current survival rates of 80 % and bowel resection being avoided in nearly two thirds of patients.
November 2021
La revue du praticien n° Tome 71 / n° 1 PDF