Conservative treatments for endometrial cancer 45

Maha Eid, Clémentine Gonthier, Margot Bucau, Martin Koskas.
Treatment for early endometrial cancer remains based on hysterectomy. However, in patients of reproductive age with a pregnancy desire, conservative alternative may be considered in case of atypical hyperplasia or endometrial endometrial adenocarcinoma without myometrial invasion. The conservative treatment consists in proposing a protocol preserving the uterus, based on an antigonadotropic treatment (oral or intrauterine progestin, GnRH agonist) allowing a regression of the endometrial lesion. The pre-therapeutic assessment includes at least a review of initial histological slides, a fertility evaluation and a pelvic MRI. To check the remission and the absence of recurrence, hysteroscopy guided biopsies are performed every 3-4 months. Pregnancy is allowed after at least 3 months of treatment if the remission of lesions is proven histologically. In this circumstance, there is no contraindication to ovulation stimulation. Hysterectomy is finally indicated in case of progression of tumor lesions, non-remission of lesions at 12 months and if pregnancy project is abandoned.
December 2022
La revue du praticien n° Tome 72 / n° 7 PDF