Adequate dietary intake for infant development 24

Patrick Tounian.
The main nutrients required for an adequate infant development, particularly neurological, are some lipids (essential fatty acids, arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids), iron, calcium and vitamin D. Appropriate energy intake is also necessary to allow growth. During the first 6 months, these needs are well covered by breastfeeding or infant formula. After complementary feeding introduction, breastfeeding with iron supplementation or consumption of at least 700 ml per day of infant formula, addition of fat in each of the salty dishes and vitamin D supplementation allow to ensure all these basic needs. Contrary to popular belief, neither the reasonable addition of salt and sugar to infant meals, nor the excess protein intake induce any risk.
January 2022
La revue du praticien n° Tome 71 / n° 3 PDF