Search : epidemiology
Result : 49
Risk of myocardial infarction after ischemic stroke
Marion Boulanger.
November 2021, page 15
Management of abdominal aortic aneurysms
The abdominal aortic aneurysm is a permanent dilation of the aorta with a diameter of more than 30 mm. It can be strictly infra-renal or be located opposite the origin of the digestive and renal...
Salma El Batti,
Iannis Ben Abdallah.
November 2021, page 34
Primary biliary cholangitis
Primary biliary cholangitis (formally primary biliary cirrhosis, PBC) is the most common chronic cholestatic liver disease in humans. It is a presumed autoimmune liver disease, characterized by...
Pierre-Antoine Soret,
Olivier Chazouillères,
Christophe Corpechot.
November 2021, page 45
Epidemiology of poisoning in children
Nicolas Franchitto.
November 2021, page 53
Main acute poisonings: general principles of care, illicit and psychotropic substances, cardiotropic and carbon monoxide
Nicolas Franchitto.
November 2021, page 54
Being or believing yourself to be allergic: phobic parents ?
Emmanuelle Lefranc.
January 2022, page 37
Borreliosis and relapsing fever
Relapsing fevers borreliosis (RFB) are caused by bacteria of the genus Borrelia, within the spirochete’s family, transmitted to Humans by arthropods (lice Pediculus humanus, soft ticks of the genus...
Alice Raffetin,
Solène Patrat-Delon,
Céline Cazorla,
Pierre Tattevin,
Carole Eldin.
January 2022, page 51
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, the Grail ?
The Covid-19 pandemic, which caused an unprecedented health crisis, was partially controlled by the rapid development of effective vaccines against SARS-CoV-2. To date, 5 vaccines are approved in...
Liem Binh Luong Nguyen,
Marie Lachâtre,
Odile Launay.
September 2022, page 55
Covid-19: a lost epidemiological bet ?
For the last two years, the world has been sailing from one epidemic wave to another. From lockdowns to curfews, strategies have changed over time, whether on travel restrictions, mask...
Pascal Crépey,
Clément Massonnaud.
September 2022, page 61
Splenic tuberculosis
Mehdi El Aissate,
Yassine Ennaboulsi,
Salah Eddine El Khade,
Ali Zinebi,
Mohammed Karim Moudden.
September 2022, page 70
Sleep in times of pandemic: lessons for the management of insomnia
Sleep is both a determinant of health and a valuable indicator of psychological impact in both personal and global crisis situations. Results from the COCONEL (Coronavirus, Containment Longitudinal...
Damien Léger,
Jonathan Taieb,
Victor Pitron,
Lucie Griffon,
François Beck.
September 2022, page 87
Venous thromboembolic disease and cancer: 10 key messages
Karine Lacombe.
May 2022, page 36
Epidemiology, risk factors and current screening in rectal cancer
Incidence and survival data from the Francim Cancer Registry Network allowed an estimate of the national incidence of rectal cancer and its prognosis up to 20 years after diagnosis. In 2018, 13 744...
Anne-Marie Bouvier,
Sylvain Manfredi.
March 2022, page 18
Rectal cancers resected for cure: monitoring, secondary prevention and late complications
Colorectal cancer incidence has increased by more than 50 % over the past 30 years. Over the same period, the number of deaths has remained stable, reflecting major therapeutic advances. The 5-year...
Côme Lepage.
March 2022, page 44
Update on bowel endometriosis
Endometriosis is a relatively common female disease with increasing incidence, probably because of better diagnostic tools and a better understanding of the pathology. We will focus our subject on...
Laetitia Mais.
March 2022, page 65
Impact of prevention and treatment strategies on the epidemiology of HIV infection in France and around the world
The UNAIDS goals will not be achieved in 2030 without a global effort specifically focused on HIV prevention. Many tools are available, named as diversified prevention, adapted to each individual,...
Laurence Slama.
December 2021, page 12
PrEP for HIV prevention, major tool of the global diversified prevention strategy
Laurence Slama.
December 2021, page 19
Mother-to-child transmission of HIV: a success of prevention
Jeanne Sibiude.
December 2021, page 22
Long-term follow-up of persons living with HIV
Life expectancy of persons living with HIV is reaching that of the general population. In consequence they are exposed to age-related comorbidities and complications, with both classical and HIV-...
Jean-Paul Viard.
December 2021, page 25
The future of persons born with HIV
Jean-Paul Viard.
December 2021, page 34
Current treatment of HIV infection
Thirty-five years have passed since the first cases of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The HIV infection has become a chronic viral infection, with the...
Romain Palich.
December 2021, page 36
Primary HIV infection: a therapeutic emergency
Romain Palich.
December 2021, page 44
HIV infection: 10 key messages
Jean-Paul Viard.
December 2021, page 47
Practice guide for the management of nightmare disorders
Nightmares are a common parasomnia that occurs mainly during REM sleep (paradoxical sleep) and at all ages. Recurrent nightmares, also known as nightmare disorder, are considered a clinical entity...
Agnès Brion.
December 2021, page 52
Clostridioides difficile: updated recommendations
Clostridioides difficile is a spore-forming anaerobic enteropathogen responsible for a wide spectrum of clinical features ranging from mild uncomplicated diarrhoea to severe debilitating disease,...
Frédéric Barbut,
Catherine Eckert,
Valérie Lalande,
Killian Le Neindre,
Jeanne Couturier.
December 2022, page 6
Epidemiology, classification and risk factors of endometrial cancer
Claire Sanson.
December 2022, page 27
Microsatellite instability in endometrial cancer
The microsatellite instability reflects genetic instability that can be sought in tumors, using two methods, immunohistochemistry and molecular biology. Currently in France, a systematic evaluation...
Justine Varinot.
December 2022, page 30
Living with… a borderline personality disorder
Mario Speranza.
December 2022, page 60
Risk and protective factors for colorectal cancer
Behaviour and environment play a more important role than heredity in colorectal carcinogenesis. The proportion of colorectal cancers (CRCs) attributable to occupational exposure, pollution or poor...
Bernard Denis.
December 2022, page 63
Epidemiology and risk factors of cancers of the upper aero-digestive tract
With more than 18.000 cases annually, head and neck cancers rank 5th among the most common cancers in France. In 90% of cases, it is squamous cell carcinoma. It reaches the oral cavity in 25%, 15%...
Nicolas Le Clerc.
March 2023, page 18
Addiction to cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, synthetic drugs
Laurent Karila,
Amine Benyamina.
March 2023, page 85
The anthropological rupture linked to the pandemic
Gilles Moutot,
Delphine Peyrat-Apicella,
Guillaume Grandazzi,
Guillaume Robert.
March 2023, page 102
Epidemiology of classical Hodgkin lymphoma
Classical Hodgkin lymphoma is a rare neoplasia but represents one of the most common cancers in adults younger than 40 years old. Epidemiology of Hodgkin lymphoma remains fascinating with specific...
Hervé Ghesquières.
September 2023, page 25
Alcohol consumption and high blood pressure
Cardiovascular disease is the second leading cause of alcohol-attributable mortality after cancer. The impact of alcohol consumption on blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular pathologies are...
Mickael Naassila,
Naouras Bouajila,
Daniel Thomas,
Henri-Jean Aubin.
September 2023, page 81
Epidemiology and pathophysiology of giant cell arteritis
Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is a granulomatous vasculitis. It affects patients over 50 years of age, predominantly women. The pathophysiology of GCA involves genetic and environmental factors...
Hélène Greigert,
Bernard Bonnotte,
Maxime Samson.
June 2023, page 39
Takayasu's arteritis
Takayasu’s arteritis is an inflammatory panarteritis of the large vessels, preferentially affecting the aorta, its main branches, and the pulmonary arteries. Its incidence is estimated at 1.11...
Alexis F Guédon,
Raphaël Bourgade,
Mounia Elhannani,
Claire Toquet,
Olivier Espitia,
Olivier Fain,
Arsène Mekinian.
June 2023, page 60
Paranoid personality disorder
The paranoid personality disorder fascinates and worries health professionals, who are sometimes victims of aggressive claims from their patients. Overestimation of oneself, psychorigidity,...
Mathieu Lacambre.
December 2023, page 87
The choice of a life without children under the influence of societal concerns
Previously unpublished data from 2021 provide an update on the motivations of people who choose not to have children, considering a context of strong social pressure to conceive and a declining...
Charlotte Debest.
March 2024, page 17
Insomnia: definitions, epidemiology and changes with age
Chronic insomnia is a disorder defined as a subjective complaint relating to the quality and/or quantity of sleep associated with daytime impact, and which must be present 3 nights per week for a...
Julie Margrethe Dubois,
Alexandre Rouen,
Damien Léger.
June 2024, page 23
Health consequences of insomnia
Maurice M Ohayon.
June 2024, page 31
Economic impact of insomnia
Damien Léger,
Victor Pitron.
June 2024, page 32
Sleep debt epidemic
Brice Faraut,
Victor Pitron.
June 2024, page 45
Insomnia and psychiatric disorders
Insomnia is frequent in psychiatric disorders. In particular, insomnia can be a risk factor, as well as a comorbid condition, or a symptom and an early sign of psychiatric disorders. Insomnia may...
Julia Maruani,
Pierre A Geoffroy.
June 2024, page 50
Health effects of alcohol: untangling the truth from the false!
Daily alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of death, even at low doses. However, it remains high in France, where a large proportion of the population consumes alcohol in excess...
Catherine Hill.
October 2024, page 6
Infectious endocarditis: from epidemiology to prevention
The incidence of infective endocarditis is estimated between 30 and 80 cases per million inhabitants and per year in the general population in industrialized countries. It is heterogeneous and...
Bernard Iung.
October 2024, page 22
European registry of infectious endocarditis
The EURO-ENDO registry was initiated in 2018. Its objectives were to assess the epidemiological, clinical, bacteriological, and prognostic features of infective endocarditis. Initially only...
Gilbert Habib.
October 2024, page 51
Infectious endocarditis and cancers: results of the EURO-ENDO registry
Bernard Cosyns,
Gilbert Habib.
October 2024, page 55
Sargassum seaweed assaults the French West Indies
Since 2011, Martinique and the islands of Guadeloupe have been affected by repeated groundings, culminating in an exceptional wave in 2018. While the sargassum ( Sargassum natans and S. fluitans )...
Dabor Resiere,
Jonathan Florentin,
Rémi Nevière.
October 2024, page 71
Women's particular pulmonary susceptibility to tobacco: the example of COPD
Women are more susceptible to the harmful effects of smoking than men, even with moderate exposure, and this vulnerability begins in childhood. The prevalence of smoking has even increased, in...
Gérard Peiffer,
Michel Underner,
Jean Perriot,
Chantal Raherison-Semjen.
December 2024, page 64